Got Iris all painted a few days ago. I gathered my materials and got started!

While getting paint at Menards, I found something really cool! It's a spray gun bottle that works like spray paint but you can put any paint color inside. This solved my problem of needing to buy an airbrush. The folks at Mendards matched the color I wanted perfectly too, so that was really convenient.

First, a coat of primer. I should point out that the man in that photo, my mom's boyfriend, has been SUCH a huge help, especially for this part. He helped me out a lot, getting me set up in his spray booth (along with my uncle) and sticking around for the whole process. I ran out of my own primer here, and he went to get me some more.

And then after the first coat of brown, he grabbed his hole filler putty and we filled in any newly-discovered mistakes.

But then, tragedy struck! I bumped the spray can with my elbow and the glass container broke all over. Of course, being the handyman he is, mom's bf said "Oh that's no problem, let me pull out the air compressor."

I didn't know it before, but he had a big spray gun! It had lots of valves: one to control airflow, one for paint intake, and one for spray size. He cleaned it up for me and we continued work with a much more efficient tool.

Second and third coat!

We got a whole 4 or 5 coats on this darn thing. The camera and florescent lights make her skin look a lot lighter than it is.

This photo at home shows her skin color a little more accurately, still sorta light though.

Next, mouth paint! I pulled out my old acrylics and mixed up a good color.

Also painted the inner parts of the eyes black. Not all of it, just where the eyelashes are going to sit.
Now all that's left is to apply a coat of finish, and to make her eyes, tongue, and teeth. Then, the task of her hair.