Finally got the darn thing done. After like what, three months? Yeesh!
All right, lets get this last construction post started. I went to the store and got a few more supplies, most importantly craft foam sheets.
I cut out two shapes like this from the foam sheets, then cut apart two black ponytail holders.
Not quite rocket science. The strap goes around where the pigtails attach.
Just that one small detail really pulls her together. Oh, and the tongue and teeth were finally added as well.
I cut the teeth out of white craft foam, it worked out much easier and faster than when I tried to make it from clay. The tongue is clay.
Created the bottom of her ponytail, and then more craft foam for the ponytail holder!
Aaaaand that's it!
I went out the next day and got some pictures to show off the finished mask! Cleverly getting around my current lack of zentai with a scarf and gloves.
I really want to thank everyone for all your help and support. Wyu, Kiki, Jess, Odette, all my friends... I woulda never gotten this done without you guys. I know that sounds sorta cheesy for just a costume mask, but it's been a big learning experience for me, and a darn lotta work!