Finally managed to catch my mom's boyfriend with some free time recently, so we got the holes drilled in. These are where I'll be attaching her large pigtails via bolts.
They're a little uneven on both sides despite my efforts... but that can be compensated for later. I didn't take any photos, but I later got a coat of clear matte finish on her. Unfortunately it's more shiny than matte... but not too bad.
Next, I opened up photoshop, drew up some eyes, then went down to the office max to get them printed on card stock.
It's a good thing I made several sheets, I made plenty of mistakes! I proceeded to trash the basement during the construction of the eyes and lashes. Totally wore out my x-acto knives too.
目! The eyelashes are cut from a black plastic folder. Thanks to Wyu for that idea.
The eyebrows are just printed on regular paper and backed with leftover card stock. I eventually used a small black inking pen (not ball point) to carefully fill in those white areas where the vision holes were cut out. I tried to use a black marker the first time around but it bled really badly. The pen bled a tiny bit too, but to a much smaller and more harmless degree.
And now the scary part... her hair!
A second trashing of the basement via fleece storm began. I used a pencil to section the scalp as a guide for cutting out the pieces. Fabric is very hard to work with! Even when you line it up to a paper guide, it flops all over.
Building up... my process was totally unscientific. Basically, laying bits of cloth over the guide areas, estimating where to cut, and adjusting accordingly. I managed to make very few mistakes, somehow! Took a while, though.
Everything glued down! I'm so close to completion, I can taste it!
I didn't expect felt to work so well for hair, but I was pleasantly surprised how well it turns out. Fortunately, Iris's hair sits close to her scalp so felt works.
Now comes the nightmare concerning her ponytails.
Grateful for you writing this
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